Coffee Hour and Morning Prayer

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Do you enjoy participating in our weekly service of Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 10 am?   Join us on the first Wednesday of each month at 9 am for an informal coffee hour with snacks and conversation. On Wednesday March 6, coffee hour will be held in the Conference Room in the Education building, before […]

Fourth Sunday in Lent: Morning Prayer

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Join us for a contemplative service of Morning Prayer, Rite II for the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Scripture Lessons are:  Numbers. 21: 4-9, Psalm 107, Epistle:  Ephesians 2:  1 - 10; Gospel of John 3: 14 - 21. All are welcome.  

Morning Prayer

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Join us for a service of Morning Prayer, based on the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II.  Today we will commemorate James Theodore Holly, Bishop of Haiti and of the Dominican Republic, who died in 1911.  In 1874, James Theodore Holly was ordained the first bishop of Haiti at Grace Church, New York City,  this […]

Celtic Mass in honor of Saint Patrick

Join us on Sunday, March 17 at 11 am for a Celtic-themed mass in honor of Saint Patrick.  Bishop and Missionary of Ireland, Saint Patrick was a fifth century missionary who later served as Bishop there.  He is credited with bringing Christianity to parts of Ireland. Special music will be performed in honor of Saint […]

Morning Prayer

Join us for a contemplative service of Morning Prayer, based on the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II.  Today we will honor Bishop Cuthbert who died in 687. Not able to join us in person?  Log into ZOOM:   Meeting ID 747 885 812.  Passcode:  WedMP

Palm Cross Workshop

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Have you ever wondered how to make a cross out of the dried palms you receive on Palm Sunday?  Parishioner Judy Funk will lead a workshop that will show you how to make palm crosses that you can use to remind you of Christ's Passion, when he died on the cross. Join us at 9 […]

Holy Week Schedule

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

You are invited to join us for Holy Week services at Saint Luke.  Experience the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus through song, prayer and reflection.  All are welcome!

The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Begin your Holy Week at Saint Luke as we read the Passion according to Saint John.  Join us as we bless the palms that will be used to mark the triumphant procession of Jesus Christ through Jerusalem, and close the worship service with a penitential Eucharist celebration dominated by the Gospel's account of the crucifixion. […]

Holy Wednesday – Service in the Sanctuary

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

In lieu of Morning Prayer on Wednesday March 27 at 10 in the Sanctuary, we will have a solemn service of Holy Eucharist.  We will mark Jesus' procession to the cross.  Scripture lessons are as follows: Isaiah 50: 4-9a Psalm 70 Hebrews 12: 1-3 Gospel of John  13: 21-32e  

Maundy Thursday – Bible Foods Potluck and Solemn Service of Holy Eucharist

Join us on Thursday March 28 at noon for a simple potluck luncheon of meatless dishes that were popular during Jesus' time.  After lunch in the Undercroft, we will process to the Sanctuary for a solemn service of Holy Eucharist in honor of Jesus' last meal with his disciples.  The service will include foot washing […]

Stations of the Cross: Good Friday

Saint Paul Episcopal Church 340 Locust Street, Columbia, PA, United States

Join Saint Paul parishioners for a service marking Jesus' final journey to the Cross.  The fourteen stations (scripture lessons) will be read by pastors from the Columbia Area Ministerium.  Hymns will be played in between the scripture readings by John Leaman, Organist.  The Reverend Martha Harris, Priest-in-Charge will serve as narrator.

The Great Vigil of Easter

Saint Paul Episcopal Church 340 Locust Street, Columbia, PA, United States

Saint Paul and Saint Luke parishioners are invited to an Easter vigil service at Saint Paul, Columbia.  The service begins in darkness.  Fire is kindled, lighting the  Paschal Candle.  This holy night is the Passover of the Lord, when our Lord Jesus passed from death to life.  We gather in vigil and in prayer to […]