Service of Holy Eucharist: Second Sunday in Lent

Join us for a service of Holy Eucharist on the Second Sunday in Lent. Scripture readings: Genesis 17:1 - 7, 15-16 Psalm  22: 22-30 Romans    4:13-25 Mark. 8:31-38 The Reverend Martha Harris is the preacher and presider. Not able to join us in person?  Watch the service on Saint Luke's YouTube channel. All are […]

Event Series Wednesday Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Join us on Wednesday February 28, 2024 for our weekly service of Morning Prayer, based on the Daily Office in the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II. We will commemorate Anna Julia Haywood Cooper, an Educator.  For more information, visit: Not able to join us in person? Join Reverend Martha Harris and friends through […]

Holy Eucharist: Lent 3

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Join us for a special service of Holy Eucharist with guest preacher, Brother Stefan Andre Waligur, founder of the Community of Peace in Louisa, VA.  The Community of Peace is an ecumenical Christian community which celebrates daily prayers and chants based on the worship tradition of the religious community in Taize, France. Scripture: Exodus  20: […]

Morning Prayer

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Join us for a service of Morning Prayer, based on the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II.  Today we will commemorate James Theodore Holly, Bishop of Haiti and of the Dominican Republic, who died in 1911.  In 1874, James Theodore Holly was ordained the first bishop of Haiti at Grace Church, New York City,  this […]

Celtic Mass in honor of Saint Patrick

Join us on Sunday, March 17 at 11 am for a Celtic-themed mass in honor of Saint Patrick.  Bishop and Missionary of Ireland, Saint Patrick was a fifth century missionary who later served as Bishop there.  He is credited with bringing Christianity to parts of Ireland. Special music will be performed in honor of Saint […]

Morning Prayer

Join us for a contemplative service of Morning Prayer, based on the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II.  Today we will honor Bishop Cuthbert who died in 687. Not able to join us in person?  Log into ZOOM:   Meeting ID 747 885 812.  Passcode:  WedMP