Holy Eucharist: Lent One

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Join us on the first Sunday in Lent with a service of Holy Eucharist.  The scripture readings are: Genesis 9: 8-17 Psalm 25: 1 - 9 1 Peter:  3: 18-22 Gospel of Mark: 1: 9-15 All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church.  The Reverend Martha Harris, Priest in Charge, will […]

Holy Eucharist: Lent 3

Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Mount Joy PA

Join us for a special service of Holy Eucharist with guest preacher, Brother Stefan Andre Waligur, founder of the Community of Peace in Louisa, VA.  The Community of Peace is an ecumenical Christian community which celebrates daily prayers and chants based on the worship tradition of the religious community in Taize, France. Scripture: Exodus  20: […]