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Healthy People, Healthy Movements Workshop
March 29 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Healthy People, Healthy Movements: Safety, Wellness and Prevention in Activism
A skillshare by Ryan Donnelly, RN from We Keep Us Safe-Lancaster, PA
Cost: Free (donation accepted)
Sign up: https://tinyurl.com/HPHM1 (you might have to copy and paste link into browser) or through email (wkuslancaster@gmail.com)
WKUS-L is a project to facilitate skill shares/training and networking between individuals, groups and organizations. The goal is to increase the skill level of organizers/activists and the general public to be more effective in our efforts to create change.
Ryan is a BSN trained RN working currently in Pediatrics, with experience in inpatient acute care rehab,outpatient and public health at a FQHC. Prior to becoming a nurse, he worked as a LMT and certified personal trainer. He was trained as a street medic 20+ years ago with Chicago Action Medic and has volunteered as one many times over the years, most recently during BLM.