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Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany: Holy Eucharist

February 16 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

riders on three camels following the north start

Our Epiphany Journey continues on the Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany.  Jesus begins his sermon on the Plain, in the Gospel of Luke 6: 17-26.  Similar but different than the Beatitudes found in Matthew: 5, Luke’s version begins with “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”  Jesus’ brings us a different view of who is blessed.  Join with old and new friends as we worship together the God of peace and Savior of us all.

The full lectionary text can be found here.


The Reverend Martha Harris will preach and preside at the service.

Join us for coffee hour in the Undercroft at 9:30 am.  See you then!

Not able to join us in person, watch the service on our YouTube channel.


February 16
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
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